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POLI-319: Politics of Latin America (Intensive course). McGill University. Lecturer. July 2022 and June 2023.


This three-credit, intensive summer course is intended to introduce students to the political, social, and economic dynamics that animate Latin America as a region, as well as their historical roots and developments since the European Conquest. While grounded in the discipline of political science, this course borrows from sociology, history, anthropology, and cultural studies to expand its conceptualization of the political—explicitly highlighting scholarly perspectives from Latin America.

For more details: syllabus.



POL-3910: Genre et Politique. Co-Lecturer with Danielle Coenga-Oliveira. Université de Montréal. Winter 2023.


Dans le cours « Genre et politique », nous problématisons le genre comme catégorie analytique du et de la politique. Ce cours explore donc la construction sociale du genre par des acteurs politiques et institutionnels comme phénomène ancré historiquement et culturellement, ainsi que l’influence du genre sur les processus politiques contemporains. Ancré dans les apports et théories féministes, ce cours fait dialoguer la science politique et les études féministes et de genre, afin d’amener les personnes étudiantes à développer un regard critique sur des concepts et enjeux politiques tels que l’État, les régimes politiques, les mouvements sociaux, le développement et la citoyenneté.



“Perspectives on World Politics: International Law, Development, and Organizations”. Co-taught with Alice Chessé and Suvolaxmi Dutta Choudhury. McGill Summer Academy, Summer 2021 and 2022.


This course introduces students to the analytical study of world politics, from three different perspectives : international law, development, and organizations. The topics explored in this course engage with the two-way relationship between domestic and international politics. Students will explore how this relationship regulates and informs our understanding of phenomena such as war, humanitarian intervention, global governance, and democracy. The course provides students with an overview of certain key issues in international relations, international law, and comparative politics, and encourages them to think critically about the nature of international conflict, human rights, cooperation, and governance in the current world. More fundamentally, we will address enduring debates that have shaped the field of political science and world politics, such as: how and why does international cooperation occur? What are the state’s obligations towards its citizens? What is the role of the United Nations? What is the impact of international law? How do non-state actors affect international development, peace, and security? How does one prevent the occurrence of war, genocides, and massive population displacements? Why and how does gender matter?


In March 2023, I co-organized (with Sashenka Lleshaj) a bilingual, graduate workshop on fieldwork research at McGill University.


2021. « Regards croisés : politiques publiques, activistes et mouvements sociaux à travers l’histoire contemporaine (AL et USA) », taught with Jennie Cottle at École d'été du CÉRIUM 2021, « L'Amérique latine en mouvements ».

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